Success Stories: Product Development
Design Reviews
A major office color laser printer company asked us to participate in Product Development Design Reviews. After studying preliminary product specifications and R&D print samples, we compiled competitive product information and samples. At the client's facility, we were provided detailed product planning information; we presented our recommendations for improvement and were then questioned by R&D, marketing, product, and customer support personnel. Some months later we again met with the client and conducted an additional review. Many of our recommendations were incorporated in the final product, and the client has asked us to participate in the planning of additional products.
Thank you so much for your support of our ongoing projects. Your level of support has been phenomenal.
—product manager, major printer manufacturer
Color Laser Printer Pre-Production Test and Evaluation
A major printer company asked us to participate in improving color quality of a color laser printer during the late stages of their product development. We had performed similar consulting tasks for this client in the past. After studying their R&D print samples, we compiled competitive samples and met at the client's facility. We discussed the engineering constraints of their product and presented our recommendations for improvement. We were then asked to perform a pre-production test and evaluation. As a result of that analysis we provided additional recommendations, many of which were incorporated in subsequent firmware upgrades, each of which we installed and tested. We had performed similar consulting tasks for this client in the past.
I have really appreciated your company's involvement in prioritizing needs, and critiquing our efforts. I truly believe this has produced a better product than we otherwise would have had. Your input came at a critical time.
—product development manager, major printer manufacturer
Color Laser Printer Pre-Production Test and Evaluation
A major printer company asked us to perform a pre-production test and evaluation of a high resolution monochrome laser printer. As a result of that analysis we provided recommendations, many of which were incorporated in subsequent firmware upgrades of the product, each of which we installed and tested. This was the fourth time the client had asked us to participate in pre-production test and evaluation.
The last project that you did for us was executed very smoothly and the results pleasing. I would certainly like to see this business relationship continue.
—senior product manager, major printer manufacturer
Color Laser Compression Technology Memory Requirements
A major RIP/controller company needed to establish Print Quality as a function of available memory in order to establish final color laser print system configurations. We defined a test suite appropriate for the targeted market and benchmarked the print quality at various memory levels and correspondingly required compression factors. Noticing a nonlinearity in the preliminary results, we isolated it and coordinated with the client's R&D staff. A firmware bug was quickly identified and fixed. Low memory performance was substantially improved, allowing the final product to ship with a lower cost baseline configuration.